Thursday, 4 July 2013

Erza Titania Scarlet

Hi..  This is my first blog and it's About Erza scarlet.

Erza is an S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail and she is famous for her usage of Requip Magic. Erza is called "TITANIA", because she is the strongest female in fairy tail guild,and the queen of fairies is called Titania,so they gave it to her as a sort of nickname.. 
Erza is a young woman who has long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She also has an artificial right eye made by Porlyusica, which replaced the one she lost as a child.
 Erza's specialty in Requip Magic, allows her to requip not only armor, but different outfits as well, allowing her to change her attire at any given time. 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Jellal Fernandes

Jellal is a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo under and above his right eye, which he has had since his childhood.

When he was young, Jellal was a very kind boy, and cared deeply for his friends. He was always cheerful and optimistic, despite his disposition as a slave. After a failed escape attempt, he readily accepted punishment in Erza's stead, and never once lost his faith in the thought of being free.  
Later, as he was manipulated by what he thought to be Zeref's ghost, he drastically changed. And then he harmed many people, created the new R-System and killed Simon. But at the end he was defited by natsu. And a huge Lacrima explosion occures.

Erza tries to defuse it by giving her life, but she was rescued by Natsu, Erza looks out at the sea and hears Jellal's voice, which says that she has become strong.Erza is surprised and claims it to be impossible; however, a slight smile can be seen on her face. It is revealed that Jellal, freed from the control of Zeref, is most likely the one who saved Erza and Natsu by fusing with the Etherion and guiding its Magic up in the sky.

Later his body was found by Oración Seis leader Brain, and the body was revived by Wendy but he lost all his memories except the name of Erza. Erza told him about what he did to his friends and repenting for his sins he tries to destroy himself. Erza persuades Jellal to nullify the Self-Destruction spell and to live.

Seven years later, after regaining his memories and having returned to his original personality, Jellal is now a calm, mature, intelligent, and kind individual. He has shown a cheerful side, as he often smiles when pleased, or when his friends are happy.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Grandpa Rob

Rob was a Fairy Tail Mage who was kidnapped and enslaved in the Tower of Heaven. There he met erza and became his friend, erza used to call him grandpa. Rob taught Erza about the true meaning of Magic. He died during the slaves' rebellion in an attempt to protect Erza from the Magical troops of Zeref's cult's attack. 

His Magical power at the time represented his life force, and his use of Magic to defend Erza resulted in his death. Erza saw Fairy Tail official guild mark in his back and seeing him die infront of her eye, Erza's Magical abilities were awakened.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Fairy Tail Guild

fairy Tail is the strongest Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore The name of "Fairy Tail" represents a sense of adventure for one to be able to discover more about mysteries and fate. Fairy Tail founder Mavis Vermilion choosed this name for a reason.

"Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!" ~Makarov Dreyar
Erza Joined this guild as a pupil of Rob who was a Fairy tail mage. There she had learn how to use magic and made new friends. Master Makarov treated them as his own child, and the guild is said to be a family and the nakamas are family members there.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Master Makarov

Makarov Dreyar is both the 3rd and 6th Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild, as well as one of the Ten Wizard Saints. Makarov is an extremely short, elderly man. He has black eyes and is growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair. He also has a thick white mustache. He has a black stamp of Fairy Tail that covers his entire chest area.

Makarov is a person who is able to love and believe in people, which is the reason Precht chose him to be his successor and take the position of Guild Master of Fairy Tail. He acts as a parent to the guild members, looking after them and encouraging or inspiring them. He always refers the guild as Family. He never forgive anyone for hurting his guild but always gives a chance to start from new.

If he finds three of his "children" have been hurt by some one he changes into a giant to stop them. He applies Fairy Law to punish them.  However, one can say this love for the guild takes priority over his own family as he has excommunicated both his son and grandson, Ivan Dreyar and Laxus Dreyar, for being a threat to the guild.

Though he is shown to be wise and has a calm personality. It has been shown that in his younger years, Makarov was quite an impatient man who did not hesitate to pick a fight even if it's against Magic council or Acnologia his first priority is his family e.i. his Guild.

Sunday, 23 June 2013


Porlyusica is an elderly woman that lives in a treehouse in the East Forest outside of Magnolia Town. She is also the Edolas counterpart to the Sky Dragon Grandeeney, and, as such, shares the same name as the Sky Dragon: Grandeeney. She was once an active member of the Fairy Tail Guild but now serves as their Medicinal Advisor.

When Erza joined Fairy Tail her right eye was damaged by the incident in tower of Heaven. So Makarov took her to porlyusica hoping she could replace her eye with an arificial one.
Porlyusica came to know that Rob was the one who taught Erza about Fairy Tail, and that he had died.

Her treatment on Erza was successful for the most part, though she noticed that something was wrong after seeing that Erza could only cry out of her real eye. However, Erza laughed it off, saying she had already shed half of her tears anyway.

Gray Fullbuster

Gray Fullbuster is an Ice-Make Mage, a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular.

When gray was a little kid his entire village was destroyed by the demon Deliora. Gray's parents were killed in the incident as well. Then he was found by Ur and took Gray as her second student besides Lyon. To take away the darkness and fear in Gray's heart Ur used Iced Shell which caused her body to be destroyed. Before turning into ice, she made Gray promise to tell Lyon that she died and told him to step into the future, since she would seal his darkness.

Following Ur's advice to find strong wizards in the west, Gray arrived at Fairy Tail and asked the master for a way to reverse the effects of the Iced Shell. Makarov, however, told him that the only method that could possibly reverse it would kill Ur in the process. 

Gray meet new friends there one of them was Cana. Cana was learning Card magic that time, Cana predicted something good was going to happen to gray when Gray meet Erza 1st time. Then they became friends. Erza used to cray all alone that time, Gray helped her to overcome her past.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Natsu Dragneel

Natsu is a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, and spiky pink-colored hair. Natsu has a scar on the right side of his neck, hidden by his scarf. His red Guild mark is located just below his right shoulder.

Natsu was found by Igneel, the mighty Fire Dragon, as a baby. The Dragon opted to raise Natsu and taught him how to talk, write, and his own, signature form, of Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. However on July 7, X777, Igneel, along with the other Dragons, mysteriously disappeared, leaving Natsu to fend for himself.
Natsu then left on a quest to find Igneel and was eventually found by the Guild Master of Fairy Tail: Makarov Dreyar. Natsu ended up joining Fairy Tail, in which he formed a close, sibling-like rivalry with Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet.

One day, Natsu found an egg thinking it to be a Dragon Egg, Natsu took it to the Guild and asked Makarov to make it hatch, but Makarov and Erza told him that he was the only one that could make the egg hatch; through love and care. Lisanna helped Natsu to hatch the egg and said she and Natsu are like parents and the egg is there Baby. 

A few years passed and Lisanna partook upon an S-Class job with her siblings, in which she was supposed to hunt a creature called "The Beast". Lisanna was accidentally killed by her brother Elfman during his attempt at taking over the monster. Though Natsu forgave him, he was greatly saddened by the event.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Lisanna Strauss

Lisanna Strauss is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, the younger sister of Elfman and Mirajane, and a childhood friend of Natsu Dragneel. Lisanna is shown as a young petite girl with short, white hair and blue eye. Lisanna uses Take Over Magic. She is kind, understanding and cheerful.

When Lisanna was younger, she helped natsu to hatch Happy's egg as she was a little more knowledgeable than Natsu.After seeing a softer side of the usually flamboyant Natsu, she stated that he was a lot like her sister and joked that perhaps later she should become his bride/wife which predictably freaked him out.
Whilst raising the egg with him, he learned it was "impossible" to win in an argument with her. Lisanna apparently likes animals. The little cat was named happy after hatched. As Lisanna pointed out the change of atmosphere from one of anger to happiness after the 
hatching so Natsu named him Happy. Lisanna always mentioned Natsu and her self were parents of happy. Because of her personality, she can easily adjust and be accepted by anyone.

Friday, 31 May 2013


Simon lived a happy life with his younger sister Kagura Mikazuchi in Rosemary Village, the same place where Erza also grew up. He was kidnapped as a child and taken as a slave to build the R-System, otherwise known as the Tower of Heaven. It was there that he made friends with Erza, Jellal.

Simon was a very massive, tall and muscular young man. He had proven to be logical and cautious, carefully examining situations before taking further steps and choosing retreat or escape if pitted against an insurmountable opponent, as well as being willing to wait for a long time before carrying out his plans for the sake of his friends and allies.

From his childhood he used to Love Erza and at the end he died protecting Erza. He was happy that at last he had done something for Erza.